Announcing our Membership Program for Contributorss
Every year hundreds of local persons step forward to support WUMCO—mainly through donations of food and as volunteers in one of our various service programs. Likewise, a number of individuals contribute on a regular basis. It is our hope to enlarge the number of regular supporters and we have established an annual membership program. While the advantages of this program to WUMCO are obvious contributors will benefit too:
Members have the satisfaction of helping to provide adequate resources for WUMCO to sustain and enhance its services over the long haul.
Members will be invited to our Annual Meeting to receive, and discuss a report on the organization’s activities in the previous year. Members will also elect board members, approve the annual budget and such other policy matters as will be brought before them.
Members will receive a membership card that qualifies them for WUMCO members-only discounts from area businesses.
Members will receive recognition (unless they opt out) in a new feature of WUMCO’s Annual Report, “Honor Roll of WUMCO Members.”
WUMCO Help, Inc.